Thursday, December 23, 2010

Visiting the Relatives

Well, yesterday Cambria and the family traveled to a place called Burkburnett to visit some relatives. over all she met quite a few. We headed up there for Cambria's cousin Pat's wedding reception. She was a very good girl all day, and it sure was a long one. We got up and left home at about 11am and got to Burkburnett at about 130pm. it was a good drive and Cambria was asleep when we got there. She got to see all her cousin's, Mike, Pat, Carly, Eli, Elizabeth, Lindsey, Stormy, Michael, and countless more. She also got to see her Aunt Carla and Uncle Mike. over all she had fun seeing everyone and playing with Eli and Elizabeth. Over all it was a good day, we got home about 11pm, and Cami was out for the count. we gave her a bottle, changed her, and put her to bed. She sleep right through and is now ready for a new day.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to all the Arnolds in the USA. Thanks, Nate, for coming online so we could see and talk to you and Cami on both our Christmas Day and yours. And thanks for the blog too, it makes us feel part of what you're doing over there. Have a great day and look forward to hearing more soon.
