Friday, December 17, 2010

Our Big Adventure Starts Today!

Well, as i assume you all know, Cambria and I (along with my parents and sister) will be travelling to the USA for a good holiday (but mostly to show of Cambria) today. It is the 18th at aproximitly 0750 hours and we leave from taupo today at 1600 hours. so that gives me a little while to sort everything out, make sure i have everything, and say goodbye to everybody. It should be great fun taking my little one back to the States and I'm stoked to be going to see all my relitives. I havnt been back to the States in 3 years so a lot will probly have changed. but its should be good. Im sure Cambrias gonna love it. wish me luck getting through our 17.5 hours or flying though.

you'll hear from me more. Most likely when i finally arrive in Texas, our first leg of the journey.

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck with the flight. Hope it's good for you all. Can't wait to hear that you've got there safely.
