Friday, January 14, 2011

Great Few Days

Well, we've had a great few days. Cambria's been such a good girl and is definatly getting the hang for crawling and standing up as well as moving her feet so i dont think it will be very long until she's walking. Today we went up to the gorgeous Estas Park where we visited the Stanly Hotel and got to see some huge wild Elk. Cami was very good and had lots of fun. The Stanly hotel is where Stephen King got his inspiration for the book The Shining and its also where the book takes place. Its a very historic hotel and is even haunted in a way (cant remember the term). Jim Carrey stayed there while filming Dumb and Dumber for a total of 3 hours before he got spooked out and went to Holiday Inn haha. So we had a good day. Cambria is in bed sleeping and will enjoy another fun day tomorrow. Not long till were home again, it's gone so fast but its been great.

Sorry No Pictures at this time


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a great time. It's a pity Cami won't remember the fabulous places she's been to and meeting her American relatives but I'm sure there'll be many more opportunities in the future when she will be ble to meet them again as she gets older. Looking forward to your return and seeing Cami again - have missed her heaps. Our holiday break is over now and I'm back at work although it's fairly quiet. See you soon.
