Friday, January 14, 2011

Great Few Days

Well, we've had a great few days. Cambria's been such a good girl and is definatly getting the hang for crawling and standing up as well as moving her feet so i dont think it will be very long until she's walking. Today we went up to the gorgeous Estas Park where we visited the Stanly Hotel and got to see some huge wild Elk. Cami was very good and had lots of fun. The Stanly hotel is where Stephen King got his inspiration for the book The Shining and its also where the book takes place. Its a very historic hotel and is even haunted in a way (cant remember the term). Jim Carrey stayed there while filming Dumb and Dumber for a total of 3 hours before he got spooked out and went to Holiday Inn haha. So we had a good day. Cambria is in bed sleeping and will enjoy another fun day tomorrow. Not long till were home again, it's gone so fast but its been great.

Sorry No Pictures at this time


Monday, January 10, 2011

Fort Collins

Well, over the past few days Cambria and I have packed all our stuff up, moved out of our holiday home in Denver, and are currently in Fort Collins at Cambria's Great Grandparents house. It snowed yesterday on the way up so we have about 10inches of new snow on the ground. It's sunny today though so that's good. Cambria has been very well but is getting over being in her car seat so much haha. She is eating very well and has been eating quite a lot as well. She has also been developing very well, she can now pull herself up on things to standing position and can shimmy across things slowly. She also managed to mount 4 stairs at my Aunts house the other day. She is getting so old haha. She is also starting to take steps if we hold her hands while she is standing, so shes doing great. Sad thing is that our time here in Cambria's home country is running out and we will soon be heading back to NZ sadly enough, but we've had a great time and we still have 1 week left.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Uneventful few days

Well, over the past 3 days Cambria has really just played with her cousins and visited with family. She spent New Years at my Aunt paulas house, and she slept right through it. It was nowhere near an exciting New Years and I hope this year brings better things for myself and Cambria. the next few days were spent at Aunt Michelles house whith the Grandparents and Aunts. On the second Cami enjoyed having Time with her Great Grandpa while daddy and grandpa went to the last regular season game of the Denver Broncos. Yesterday Cambria went up to Fort Collins for the day to see her other Great grandparetns and to meet her Aunt, Uncle, and 2 Cousins on my dads side. They enjoyed meeting her very much and cant wait for her to come up again. Today Cambria and I will chill and possibly hit up a mall out near Boulder. Cambria's been sleeping through the nights fairly well with a couple of wake ups at times and shes getting very close to being able to pull herself up on things by herself, she still needs a bit of help but not much.

Hope all is well for everyone

Cheers Nate